
Friday 31 August 2012

6 Ways to prevent cervical cancer-source is Knowledge is Power (General Information) (FACEBOOK)

Reducing Your Risk of Cervical Cancer

By Lisa Fayed, Guide

Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable types of cancer. Because of the Pap smear test, the number of cervical cancer cases has dropped over the past twenty years. However, many women still develop cervical cancer. In fact, over 9,000 women in the U.S. develop cervical cancer every year. 

While some cases of cervical cancer cannot be prevented, there are many things a woman can do to reduce her risk of developing cervical cancer.
How to Reduce Your Risk of Cervical Cancer

Get a regular Pap smear. The Pap smear can be the greatest defenses for cervical cancer. The Pap smear can detect cervical changes early before they turn into cancer. Check cervical cancer screening guidelines to find out how often you should have a Pap smear, or check with your doctor. 

Limit the amount of sexual partners you have. Studies have shown women who have many sexual partners increase their risk for cervical cancer. They also are increasing their risk of developing HPV, a known cause for cervical cancer. 

Quit smoking or avoid secondhand smoke. Smoking cigarettes increases your risk of developing many cancers, including cervical cancer. Smoking combined with an HPV infection can actually accelerate cervical dysplasia. Your best bet is to kick the habit.

If you are sexually active, use a condom. Having unprotected sex puts you at risk for HIV and other STD's which can increase your risk factor for developing cervical cancer. 

Follow up on abnormal Pap smears. If you have had an abnormal Pap smear, it is important to follow up with regular Pap smears or colposcopies, whatever your doctor has decided for you. If you have been treated for cervical dysplasia, you still need to follow up with Pap smears or colposcopies. Dysplasia can return and when undetected, can turn into cervical cancer. 

Get the HPV vaccine. If you are under 27, you may be eligible to receive the HPV vaccine, which prevents high risk strains of HPV in women. The HPV vaccine, Gardasil, was approved by the FDA to give to young girls as young as 9. The vaccine is most effective when given to young women before they become sexually active.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Pearlkenya: Life Lessons from Pumpum : Let It Go

Pearlkenya: Life Lessons from Pumpum : Let It Go: I love cooking. I am not an exceptional cook but when I do cook the food is sumptuous enough for anyone in the family to enjoy it. L...

How to throw an office party

It might be your office if: the CEO just replaced all the desk chairs with ergonomic rubber balls.
The perfect theme: '80s prom
The scene: Decorate with streamers, balloons and banners -- the tackier the better. Vote for superlatives, like Most Likely to Succeed, and create a mini yearbook with the results. Play '80s tracks and crown a prom court.
The food: traditional banquet-hall dishes, such as pigs in blankets, chicken cordon bleu and chocolate mousse

It might be your office if: you've got a closet full of collared shirts.
The perfect theme: spa treatment
The scene: Create a serene vibe with bottled water, battery-operated candles and potted bamboo. Use room dividers (or sheets of craft paper) to section off offices as treatment rooms, where people can sign up for massages or manicures.
The food: fruit, finger sandwiches, salads and smoothies

It might be your office if: there's an office-wide American Idol pool.
The perfect theme: outdoor picnic
The scene: Head to a nearby park (or the office lawn) with checkered tablecloths, picnic baskets and a grill. Remind everyone to bring sneakers for volleyball and Frisbee. If your park has paddleboats or kayaks, arrange for rentals.
The food: potluck, with backyard classics like fried chicken, pasta salad, burgers, hot dogs and chips

It might be your office if: you spend your days running around a classroom, restaurant or hospital.
The perfect theme: carnival
The scene: Make use of a gym or cafeteria for an act-like-a-kid party. Set up activities, like a stack-of-cans ball toss (with stuffed animals for the winners!), face painting, caricatures and tarot-card reading. Or go all out and rent larger festival equipment -- dunk the principal, anyone?
The food: fairground favorites like candy apples, popcorn and snow cones
Send an Invite, Not a Memo
You want to excite people, and when were you last jazzed about a meeting? Right. Use invites (electronic or paper) and mention food, door prizes -- whatever sets the mood, says Party Planning Secrets author Charlie Scola, who provided these ideas.
Create a Festive Atmosphere
And we don?t mean "confetti" from the paper shredder. Even if you're limited to the conference room, decorate until it feels like a new space, one you'd actually want to hang out in. Don't be afraid of using a theme (see the next page) for inspiration.
Treat it Like Your Own Party
As you would at your home, greet guests at the door. (This goes double for out-of-office venues, where folks might feel more disoriented.) You?d be surprised how a simple "Welcome, drinks are in the back" can put people at ease.
Leave No Room for Shoptalk
Plan activities that everyone can participate in without feeling embarrassed, like company- or holiday-themed trivia. Award prizes to the winners to enhance competition. (Note: Pens stamped with the company logo are not prizes.)
Serve Fabulous Food
Office eating is synonymous with brownbag lunches, so turning up the culinary volume is key. If you have a theme, serve eats that suit it. For a potluck, organize who?s bringing what. And nix messy foods -- no one wants to shake the boss? hand while eating ribs.
Watch for These 5 Fouls
1. Confessing your crush on rick from Rick from IT.
2. Challenging the boss to arm wrestle.
3. Dominating conversation with photos of your kids or pets.
4. Doing shots with the interns.
5. Doing shots, period.

If you can not handle what you have can you handle bigger?

Why ask you this?
Sometime in July there was a children dedication service in the church i do fellowship. Everything went on well as planned but out of the norm of other children dedication services in our church. A couple of ladies actually three walked into the church late cuddling the packages(Children) for the Lord to bless. I remember vividly they were all less than 5 6" tall. The bishop was about to preach at this very moment then his amour bearer gave him a note stating that there were some people who came late and were requesting for their children to be dedicated. He humbly called them up for some few minutes. he then asked whom he could start with then he was told they were all triplets. He told the church and there was great jubilation as it seemed in the real sense. Then as they were about to dedicate them another short person walked towards the pulpit now this was a man. Alas this was the father of this beautiful children. Looking at him for someone who never new about him you could say, he had just adopted them or even worse found them dumped in his compound, which he never had or thought of having at this very moment ,but without a shadow of a doubt he was the biological father and DAD*. The dedication went well and the preaching was done. Few Sundays later bishop spoke about the idea he gave himself of taking shopping to the family with the triplets but God told him something which give me the topic of this post. God said to him that i gave them those children and i am going to feed them no matter what it takes.
Most of the times we get shocked by what God bestows to us and we chicken out and run away from it thinking we can not handle it but God say hold on i know the plans i have for you(Jeremiah29:11-12). The little i know about the father of the triplets is that he is a taxi driver in our town. *The little i know about my dad/father is that he lives in Gatundu a far off town. The triplets father would have run away like my father but he held on to his calling of being a sole father to triplets. I know mothers would agree with me that a womb can not handle two babies if they are not breed by one father. I looked at how the church was jubilant of the triplets but in their midst i know and believe there people who thought that these small people will die of raising or learing (direct translation of bringing up) the triplets. I know God did it deliberately (for lack of a better word ) so that it may shape the future of the parents and those whom think their only children (one) are a burden.
You may have wondered or be in deep thought wondering why God is doing what he is doing to you and not you friend or neighbor but i came to assure this beautiful day that he wants to know if you can really bear it and how you will do it. So my Dear one hold on there better things are yet to come.
So just keep on with what you have at this very moment because bigger trials and tribulations are coming your way and even maybe take care of the good things you have coz better things are yet to come.
 Blessings are upon you as you push on this day and the days to come.


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